10 tips to make the best of your creativity

Here’s an article, by Canva Design School, that we want to share with you. It talks about the architect Le Corbusier, that’s a great example of how the creative mind does things.

Regular working day? Nooo. The architect always worked alone on his own ideas, drawings and contemplations in the morning, and then collaborated with his team of skilled employees and draughtsmen in the afternoon. If you are wondering why is that, the answer is simple: through years of work, he knew that this was the only way to produce his best designs.

Le Corbusier 10 tips creativity

If you want to be as creative as Le Corbusier, then you need to have the ability to understand yourself, your working practices, and your faults. So, here’s an advice: if you want to make the best of your work, just as the swiss-french architect did, you might follow those tips because it really was a great artist!

Create a custom work routine and stick with it, Recognize your worst work too, not just your best, Have a healthy appetite for new experiences, Keep in mind what you don’t like, Take risks and know you can fail too, Don’t be afraid of daydreaming, Take in the world around you, Be confident, Don’t be afraid to ask question, Follow your dreams!

Read the entire article here, and leave us your opinion. Are you a daydreamer? Are you capable of recognize your worst side? Are you a confident person? Let us know everything about you. 🙂

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