Alexandre LeNoir: One Of The Most Talented Mexican Architects

Hi everyone! Today is another special day for Home Design Ideas. I’m going to publish, for the second time this week, an exclusive interview with one of the most talented people from Mexico. On Monday you had the opportunity to read a fantastic interview with one of the best Mexican designers: Ezequiel Farca and now have the privilege to share with you some words by a fantastic and very talented Mexican architect: Alexandre LeNoir-.

Mr. LeNoir is the CEO of “LeNoir & Asociados“, a company that is prominent in Mexico. They have been building all over the country with a very wide range of projects! As you will see, these are very high-quality architectural designs. The expertise and commitment of Alexandre LeNoir are undeniable and it’s impossible not to become a fan of his work, especially after reading such an incredible interview! You will definitely enjoy it!

– Where do you draw your inspiration from?

I have a fertile imagination and curiosity which leads me to travel, read, listen to music, cook and practice outdoor sports to balance my life. I am very sensitive, and, therefore, I take my time observing the surroundings – there is always so much to see
When I was a child, the neighbourhood children would gather on the street in front of my house to play dodgeball. With the hot summer sun blazing down on our backs, we raced from side to side, bending and twisting, to avoid getting hit by the ball. I enjoyed every second of those games.

Cherishing these childhood memories, I have come to love sports, and I embrace them as a part of my life. I truly believe that sports can improve the health of children, raise their self-esteem, develop conflict-resolution skills, and sharpen focus and motivation. I have been a student athlete for most of my life, and sports and academics have always been a beneficial combination for me. On several occasions over the years, I have had the opportunity to compete internationally for my country, Barbados, and for that I am truly grateful. I have experienced how sports can enrich the lives of people in so many ways, and it is truly unfortunate when anyone is denied the opportunity to participate in them.


Playing sports facilitates fun and exercise. It leads to improved community relations, better health, and longevity. However, nowadays, outdoor games with friends and neighbours have been replaced by more popular but sedentary past times, such as video games, watching television, and surfing the web. According to the World Health Organization, current obesity levels range from below 5 per cent in China, Japan, and certain African countries, to over 75 per cent in urban Samoa. Childhood obesity is epidemic in some regions, and on the rise in others. Worldwide, twenty-two-million children under the age of five are estimated to be overweight.1 Nutritional changes have led to increased consumption of energy-dense foods high in saturated fat and sugar.

Obesity and being overweight increase the risk of chronic illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke, certain forms of cancer, and type 2 diabetes, all of which result in a reduced quality of life. Nutrition has a large impact on the performance of an athlete at any level of competition. Athletes who care about performance tend to pay greater attention to their diets. Therefore, sexo floresta by extension, camsoda missjuicy involvement in sports can lead to better eating habits and healthier lifestyles..

Alexandre Lenoir: One of the most talented mexican architects"
Alexandre LeNoir

– How and why did you get into the architecture Industry?

From a very young age, I was interested in buildings, spaces and materials around me; it was all about sensations and intuition. I decided to study architecture at the age of 16 because of this never-ending interest. I had the luck to work for great architects after graduating which led me to open my first office in Lausanne, Switzerland and thereafter establishing it in Monterrey, Mexico, where I have been working ever since.

– How would you describe your projects? Do you have a signature touch with your designs?

It is clear that my education in Switzerland has marked the path of LeNoir & Asociados. Some sense of rationality blending with free minded creativity. Every project that we make is one of a kind because of the context, clients and time in which it was created. This is the common denominator of each project, as well as the uniqueness and evolution.

Alexandre Lenoir: One of the most talented mexican architects"
IANL by LeNoir & Asociados

– What do you love about being an architect?

You have to reinvent yourself constantly.

– What are some of your most popular projects? Tell us a bit about some of your creations and what you love about them. What’s your favorite and why?

Well, the “Contact Center Banorte Ixe” is the most popular project. It’s a big and complex project due to the fact that it had to be designed for 3000 people who are working and playing in the building daily. It has a huge range of activities and the people’s quality of life depends on the architecture and the space they interact in. Geometry, materials and spaces are conceived in response to various contexts – not only geographic but also socio-economic and historic. However, all our projects are special and each one has its place in the history of our last 20 years of work. The range goes from residences to entire developments.

My favorite is always the same: The next one!

Alexandre Lenoir: One of the most talented mexican architects"
Centro de Contacto Nacional Banorte | Alexandre LeNoir

– Is there anything exciting that you are working on at the moment that you can tell us about?

There are so many things… The scale is not very important. We are working on a small pavilion that is like a jewel, a new school and a 160-apartment development in a very privileged environment.

We are also working on a philanthropic project at a national scale with UNAC (Unidos por el Arte contra el Cancer Infantil), designing and constructing a series of informative and educative pavilions and parks to raise awareness of childhood cancer in order to to help prevent it.

Alexandre Lenoir: One of the most talented mexican architects"
UNAC | Alexandre LeNoir

– What is your favorite building in the world? 

This is a very difficult question to answer. Like in music, the classical and contemporary genres both have elements that are important and interesting to pay attention to. I have a very short window of time and I have to make smart planning, otherwise we will never be able to finish all the projects:

Ancient: the ruins of the Mayan civilization

Modern: Philip Johnson glass house

Present: the thermal bath in Vals by Peter Zumthor

Alexandre Lenoir: One of the most talented mexican architects"
Therme Vals | Peter Zumthor

– If someone gave you the opportunity to design a building anywhere in the world and without rules, what would you do? 

Without any doubt, a tower in Manhattan.

– Describe yourself in three words

Passionate, perseverant and playful.

– What are your dreams and goals professionally?

I am living my dream. This job gives and takes everything from you. Goals are ever-changing as you have to constantly evolve and adapt. At the time, we are going international by starting building in Texas but we would like to go further, first working in the United States and then around the world.

Alexandre Lenoir: One of the most talented mexican architects"
Residential project by Lenoir Asociados

I hope you have enjoyed this astonishing interview with Alexandre LeNoir – one of the best architects in the world!

I want to thank Mr LeNoir for having the opportunity to make this interview!

I hope you enjoyed it.

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