While looking for some information to write here at “Home Design Ideas”, I heard on a radio station a few jokes about twin toilets. I immediately searched about the subject and I found some images that I have to share with you.
Are twin toilets the next thing? See this futuristic styled bathroom designed by Latysheva Maria.
To show you this incredible and beautiful futuristic styled house this post would be very, very long so I leave you the link for the Home Designing site in which you can find the entire article.
The master bathroom
If you already peaked to the image below you now know that the master bathroom of this futuristic house has facing toilets. It’s not a brand new approach to designing a bathroom but it’s not a very common option. It is said that this toilet disposition is more social.
Life it’s only good if you share the moments but sharing your toilet time? What do you think?
A chic and futuristic bathroom with facing toilets
Twin everything! Twin toilets and twin sinks
The kids’ bathroom has also toilets, but this time they are parallel one to another. The bathroom is really, really beautiful but what do you think about those toilets? Are they a good option for kids?
The kids’ bathroom has also a more social design
As you can see the bathroom design of this beautiful futuristic styled house has a more social approach to it. Privacy is a thing of the past. What do you think about this? Are twin toilets the next thing?
Source and images : Home Designing