Modern Lighting Ideas_ A Fitted Modern Floor Lamp For You!

Modern Lighting Ideas: A Fitted Modern Floor Lamp For You!

Outstanding Lighting In Outrageous Rooms.

Fitted lighting can make a room. Just ask anyone. Elegant, simple and functional sometimes they the room feel a million bucks while other times they make any room a statement piece. That’s why today we bring you a cured election on how a fitted modern floor lamp can turn your living room into an iconic home area!

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Modern Lighting Ideas A Fitted Modern Floor Lamp For You! 2

We’ll start with Matheny. A magnificent piece of lighting design, this will make any mid-century modern room glamours. With influences from the American guitarist Pet Matheny, this floor lamp design will look stunning in any style.

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Pastorius makes such a lovely statement. A revival of the 70’s, this outstanding contemporary floor lamp looks luxurious and radiant in a living room layout. A perfect choice for a reading light!

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Coltrane, a classic lighting design from the luxury lighting brand, DelightFULL delights us with an avant-garde floor light. Inspired by the jazz musician John Coltrane, the energy and movement of the musician transpire in this lighting design. It will certainly look amazing in any home setting.

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Sinatra a versatile creation, the iconic modern floor lamp features three articulating arms handmade in brass that are adjustable in a variety of different locations in order to allow you to situate the lights exactly as you need it. Exuding a mid-century modern flair that will elevate your art deco interior design.

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Looking for something different? We bring you, Jackson. The tripod floor lamp is a must and it will give your bedroom or dining room area a flair of the mystic vibe. The modern floor lamp with a stunning design you can’t miss.

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With an outstanding take on design, Botti is the one to inspire when our imagination runs out. Perfect for music lovers, the stunning design of this mid-century modern lighting design is the one you’ll want to keep you company. The jazz present in the floor light takes us right behind the inspiration: Chris Botti.


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