There are some decorating habits that we just learn, from our family, from our friends and from the numerous interior design magazines available in the market.
Most of all the interior design tips and tricks that we learn every day are fantastic. If we dare to follow the right advises we can give a better look to our home and we can create a magnificent and harmonious space, but we have to admit that we are not perfect, and sometimes we commit a few decor crimes!
Today we will show you which are the 10 decorating habits that you must avoid! Check these tips and improve your home decor starting NOW!
Decor mistake #1 – All-white woodwork
“Where is it written that all woodwork must be painted white?”
Decor mistake #2 – Built-in refrigerators
“Does everyone need to play a professional chef at home? Walls of built-in refrigerators are better suited to the corporate world or an industrial kitchen. ”
Decor mistake #3 – Improper lighting
“Lighting in a home is often too dim or too bright. It’s best to define the task at hand and light accordingly. ”
What you should do:
Duke floor lamp by Delightfull
Decor mistake #4 – A matchy-matchy look
“There is something slightly unnerving when everything matches. Perhaps it’s the lack of soul or just the lack of confidence shown.”
Decor mistake #5 – Everything against a wall
“It’s natural to want to shove all the furniture against the walls. Fight that urge. ”
Decor mistake #6 – The plague of beige
“Since the overstuffed 1980s, beige has ruled supreme. Even the edgiest souls didn’t venture far from ecru and oatmeal.”
An example of a beautiful living room
Decor mistake #7 – Hoarding
“Know your limits. Collecting can easily cross over into hoarding. Don’t let that happen to you.”
Decor mistake #8 – Coordinated sets
“Suites of matching furniture hark back to the days when a glimpse of ankle was considered risqué.”
Decor mistake #9 – Neglect
“Mama always said you never get a second chance to make a first impression. And she was right. Don’t let your entry hall fall prey to lack of attention.”
A great first impression decorating habits!
Decor mistake #10 – Lack of wit
“This is, perhaps, the deadliest of all decorating sins. Taking oneself too seriously can end in decorating ruin.”
If you ever made one (or several) mistake like these ones don’t worry! If you like it, don’t change it! The most important thing is to have a comfortable space that you really enjoy!
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Source: Houzz