Maison&Objet Paris keeps pursuing its mission to help the world discovering new exhibitors, new collections and new talent. And this year, this amazing trade show for professionals in the art of living is celebrating its 20s. WOW.
2015’s theme is “MAKE”. And it should be everyone’s life slogan: “In our day, we don’t want to let things go anymore. Everyone wants to regain control. The home is increasingly attractive. Traditional expertise is restoring value to manufactured goods. The latest luxury can be seen in a return to the essential beauty of craftsmanship and perfecting materials. We love watching the scenes of the creation which manufacturent exceptional objects. Makers and artisans redefine the rules of an alter-design. Contemplation of nature, the genius of the hand and the technological advances mark out the evolution of a world in the process of again.”
Since Friday, 23 to Monday 26 January you can live a life changing experience in Paris. Let’s see the Maison&Objet Paris 2015 agenda’s highlights.
In the first day of this elegant fair, you can’t loose Maison&Objet presentation by the journalist Sylvie Adigard, at 10:00 to 10:30 am. At 03:00 to 04:00 pm, tooks place the networking meeting between architects, interior designers, restaurant owners and hoteliers. Everything at Hall 5B.
At 02:00 to 02:00pm you can visit Hall 5A and attend to the “Social Networks for the World of Home décor” conference.
Day 2: You shouldn’t loose the 45 minutes of “Craftsmanship and innovation” conference, at 11:00am in Hall 5B. After that, at 12:30pm “Hotels des Cimes: design luxury and pleasure. After lunch, at 03:30pm, “Make, the MAISON&OBJET Observatoiretheme: NATURE MADE.
Day 3: you can go into L’espace retail, in Hall 5A and learn how to build your own brand (12:00 to 12:30pm).
Last day of magic: “La Nuit de la Déco” Awards ceremony for its Fall 2014 edition, with the MAISON&OBJET trophy, presented by Astrid Mora and ASFM Company.
See the entire program here and enjoy Paris.